Ons het in Desember 2009 die geleentheid gehad om onder andere Efese te besoek en wil graag ons ondervinding met julle deel.
We have had the opportunity to visit Ephesus in December 2009 and would like to share our experience with you.
1. Eerstens die ligging van Efese 1. Firstly the location of Ephesus:
Izmir is die huidige naam vir destydse Smirna (Hawestad)
Efese was
ook ‘n hawestad van
ongeveer 250
000 inwoners maar is vandag 8km
van die kus af. Efese was
destyds die
4de grootste stad na
Rome, Alexandrië en Antiogië.
Hoofroetes vanaf Efese: 1.
Die Laodicea pad – Oos,
2. Pad na
Sardis en Galasië – Noord-Oos.
3. Pad na Smirna - Noord
Izmir is the current name of what used to be Smirna (Harbour City)
Ephesus used to be a harbour city of approximately 250 000 inhabitants but today it is situated 8km from the coast. In Biblical times Ephesus was the 4th largest city after Rome, Alexandria en Antioch.
Main routes from Ephesus: 1. Road to Laodicea – East,
2. Road to Sardis en Galasia – North-East
3. Road to Smirna - North
2. Oorblyfsels Vandag 2. Remains that can be seen today
Die volgende is fotos van dit wat mens vandag nog kan sien:
The following are photos of what you can still see today:
2.1 Celsius Biblioteek/Library
Dit was een van die grootste biblioteke van die antieke wêreld en het meer as 12 000 boekrolle gehuisves.
Dateer uit die 2de eeu N.C. gebou deur die Romeinse Raad van Klein Asië. Dit het ‘n auditorium gehad en die oop spasie voor die biblioteek wat gebruik was vir literêre toesprake en lees van gedigte.
Nege trappe het na die ingang met 3 groot deure gelei Die kolomme tussen die deure het ook standbeelde gehuisves wat Wysheid, Kennis, Noodlot & Deugsaamheid uitbeeld.
Groot vensters het lig in die biblioteek gebring. Die lees area was omring deur 3 vloere. Mure binne is ontwerp om humiditeit en temperatuur-veranderinge te kontroleur om skade aan die manuskripte te voorkom
Die biblioteek is in die 3de eeu deur die Gote afgebrand maar die fasade is nie ernstig beskadig nie en is nog in redelik goeie toestand.
This was one of the largest libraries of the ancient world and housed more than 12 000 book rolls.
The library dates from the 2nd century A.D. and was build by the Roman Council of Asia Minor. It had an auditorium and the open space in front of the library was used for literary speeches and reading of poems.
Nine stairs led to the entrance of 3 large doors. The columns between the doors had statues depicting Knowledge, Wisdom, Virtue and Destiny.
Large windows brought light into the library. The reading area was on 3 floors and the inside walls was designed to control humidity and temperature changes to prevent damage to the manuscripts.
The library was burned down in the 3rd century A.D. but the facade was not seriously damaged and is still in a reasonable condition today.
2.2 Gimnasium en Baddens 2. Gymnasium and Baths
Die dames Gimnasium is vernoem na die vroulike standbeelde wat daar was. Dit was naby die Magnesia
Hek, op Pin
Mountain gebou in die 2de eeu N.C. en was een van die grootste geboue in Efese.
Die Gymnasium het bestaan uit klaskamers, baddens, ‘n binnehof en ander kamers. Standbeelde van die dames van
die Gimnasium is te sien in die Museum in
Izmir (Smirna)
Die Scolastica Baddens is vernoem na ‘n Christen vrou wat die restorasie van die baddens in die 4de eeu N.C. onderneem het. Dit was oorspronklik in die 1ste eeu gebou langs Curetes straat bestaande uit 3 vlakke waarvan 2 verval het. Daar was 2 ingange.
Die boonste vloer het ‘n salon met sentrale verhitting gehad en warm water na die groot bad.
Die grondvloer het warm en koue baddens en ‘n aantrekkamer gehad. Die water (warm en koud) en stoom is deur pype (ondergronds en binne mure) na die baddens gevoer.
Vandag is die onderste vloer se kamers en ‘n boog nog sigbaar.
The ladies gymnasium was named after the statues of women erected there. It was near the Magnesia Gate on Pin Mountain and erected in the 2nd century A.D. It used to be one of the biggest buildings in Ephesus. The gymnasium consisted of classrooms, baths, an inner courtyard and other rooms. The statutes of the women can be viewed at the museum in Izmir.
The Scolastica baths was named after a Christian women who undertook the restoration of the baths in the 4th century A.D. It was originally build in the 1st century A.D. next to Curetes Street, consisted of 3 levels (of which 2 does not exist today) and 2 entrances.
The top floor of the baths had a salon with central heating and warm water to the large bath. The bottom floor consisted of warm and cold baths and a dressing room. The water (warm and cold) and steam were conducted to the baths by pipes in the walls and under the floors. Today you can still see the rooms of the bottom floor and the arch.
2.3 Maagd Maria se Kerk 2.3 Church of the Virgin Mary
Die kerk is opgedra aan die Maagd Maria en in ‘n
Basilica verander in die 2de eeu na Christus.
Die Kerk van Moeder Maria was naby die Hawe Baddens van Antike Efese – 260 m lank – aanvanklik gebruik as ‘n mediese sentrum met ‘n klein kapel wat in die 10de eeu bygevoeg is.
This church was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and was changed to a Basilica in the 2nd century A.D.
The Church of the Virgin Mary was near the harbour baths of ancient Ephesus, was 260 m long and initially used as a medical centre. A small chapel was added in the 10th century A.D.
2.4 Kommersieële Gebied 2.4 Commercial Area
Die Mark
Basilica was ‘n 160 m lange arkade Noord van die Staats
Die gebied was gebruik vir kommersiële aktiwiteite sowel as vir vergaderings van die howe.
Die Mark
Basilica was opgerig in die 1ste eeu N.C. gedurende die regering van Augustus. Standbeelde van hom en sy vrou, Livia, was aan die Oostekant van die gebied en die is nou in die Museum in
Izmir te sien.
Die markplein ook bekend as die Agora of Kommersiële Mark was die handelssentrum van die stad en was geleë aan die Regterkant van Marmer Straat met 3 hekke: een Noord, een Wes en een Suid.
Die Suidelike hek is die Mazeus en
Mithridates hek wat na die Biblioteek toe lei
The Market Basilica was a 160 m long arcade North of the State Agora and was used for commercial activities as well as for meetings of the law courts.
It was erected in the 1st century A.D.during the rule of Augustus. Statues of him and his wife, Livia, were erected on the Eastern side of this area and they can now be seen in the museum in Izmir.
The market basilica also known as the commercial market, was the commercial centre of the city situated at the Right side of Marble Street with 3 entrance gates: one North, one West and one South. The Southern gate is called the Mazeus and Mithridates gate leading to the library.
2.5 Die Groot Teater 2.5 The Large Theatre
Die Groot Teater was gebou aan die voet van Panayir berg en sy fasade het na Hawe straat gewys.
Die Teater dateer uit die 2de eeu voor Christus. In 54 N.C het Paulus die skare hier toegespreek
Die teater is deur verskeie Keisers gerestoureer/herbou en dit word beskou as die mees indrukwekkende struktuur van Efese. Dit kon 25 000 mense huisves in 66 rye van klip sitplekke. Die onderste sitplekke het marmer rugstukke gehad en was vir die belangrike gaste bedoel.
‘n Groot deel van die teater was in die 4de eeu deur ‘n aardbewing vernietig maar is in die 8ste eeu herstel.
Afgsien van teater opvoerings en musiek uitvoerings was die teater ook vir politieke en Godsdienstige byeenkomste gebruik.
Een van die belangrikstes was ‘n konflik tussen die Christene en die volgelinge van Artemis waartydens die Apostel Paulus veroordeel en tronk toe gestuur is aangesien hy aangekla is omdat hy Artimus sou tenagekom het.
The Great Theatre was build at the foot of the Panayir Mountains and its facade faced the harbour. The Theatre dates back to the 2nd century B.C. In 54 A.D. the Apostle Paul addressed the people here.
The Theatre has been rebuild/restored by various emperors and is regarded as the most impressive structure in Ephesus. It could accommodate 25 000 people in 66 rows of stone seating, some of which had marble backs for the very important guests.
Apart from theatre productions and music performances the theatre was also used for political and religious gatherings.
One of the most important gatherings for Christianity was the conflict between the Christians and the followers of Artemis during which the Apostle Paul was sentenced and send to jail for having offended Artemis
The Theatre has been rebuild/restored by various emperors and is regarded as the most impressive structure in Ephesus. It could accommodate 25 000 people in 66 rows of stone seating, some of which had marble backs for the very important guests.
Apart from theatre productions and music performances the theatre was also used for political and religious gatherings.
One of the most important gatherings for Christianity was the conflict between the Christians and the followers of Artemis during which the Apostle Paul was sentenced and send to jail for having offended Artemis
2.6 Publieke Toilette 2.6 Public Toilets
Toegansfooie moes betaal word om die openbare toilette van Efese te gebruik. Hulle was deel van die Scolastica Baddens langs die Tempel van Hadrian.
Daar was ‘n sloot voor die bankies waarin water konstant gevloei het.
Entrance fees had to be paid to use the public toilets of Ephesus. It was part of the Scolastica Baths and situated next to the Temple of Hadrain.
There is a furrow in front of the seats in which water flowed constantly.
Entrance fees had to be paid to use the public toilets of Ephesus. It was part of the Scolastica Baths and situated next to the Temple of Hadrain.
There is a furrow in front of the seats in which water flowed constantly.
2.7 Hadrian Tempel 2.7 Hadrian Temple
Die Tempel van Hadrian is een van die bes bewaarde geboue van antieke Efese en is langs Curetes Straat. Dit is in die 2de eeu N.C. opgerig en in die 4de eeu gerestoreer. Dit het 4 Korintiese kolomme gehad en verskeie standbeelde van Romeinse Keisers.
The Temple of Hadrain is one of the best preserved buildings of ancient Ephesus situated along Curetes Street. It was erected in the 2nd century A.D. and restored in the 4th century. It had 4 Corinthian columns with various statues of Roman emperors.
2.8 Fontein van Trajan 2.8 Trajan Fountain
2.9 Curetesstraat 2.9 Curetes Street
Vernoem na die Curetes (die priesters wat die flam van die
Prytaneion moes oppas), was een van die 3 hoof strate van Efese en het die Hek van
Hercules verbind met die Biblioteek
of Celsus. Dit was van marmer gemaak en versier met kolomme weeskante sowel as verskeie standbeelde.
Daar was ook ‘n hoof-lose standbeeld wat dateer uit die Byzantine era, opgedra aan ‘n vroue dokter wat groot dienste aan Efese gelewer het.
Named after the Curetes (the priests who guarded the flame of the Prytaneion), was one of the main streets of Ephesus and connected the Gate of Hercules with the library of Celsus. The street was made of marble and decorated on both sides with columns and statues.
Named after the Curetes (the priests who guarded the flame of the Prytaneion), was one of the main streets of Ephesus and connected the Gate of Hercules with the library of Celsus. The street was made of marble and decorated on both sides with columns and statues.
2.10 Tempel van Domitian 2.10 Domitian Temple
Nes die Pollio
Fontein, was die Domitian
Tempel opgedra aan ‘n Romeinse Keiser Domitian, die
Keiser wat
die Efesiërs toegelaat het om monumente vir Romeine
op te
Die Tempel is opgerig op die 2de vloer van ‘n terras by Domitian Square en het bestaan uit 23 kolomme in die lengte en 8 aan die kort kante. Die grondvloer het winkels en stoorplekke gehad.
Similar to the Pollio Fountain, the Domitian Temple was dedicated to a Roman Emperor Domitian, the first emperor to allow the people of Ephesus to erect monuments for Romans.
The temple was erected on the second floor of a terrace at Domitian Square and consisted of 23 columns in its length and 8 at the short ends. The ground floor consisted of shops and store rooms.
The temple was erected on the second floor of a terrace at Domitian Square and consisted of 23 columns in its length and 8 at the short ends. The ground floor consisted of shops and store rooms.
2.11 Memmius Monument 2.11 Memmius Monument
Hierdie monument was ter gedagtenis aan Memmius, seun van Caius
en kleinseun van diktator Sulla, gebou gedurende die 1ste eeu N.C deur Augustus
na aanleiding
van ‘n oorwinning oor
die Romeine
in 87 V.C toe 80000 Romeine gedood is. 300 Jaar na sy konstruksie
is dit verander
in ‘n fontein.
This monument was erected during the 1st century A.D. by Augustus in memory of Memmius, son of Caius and grandson of dictator Sulla following the victory over the Romans in 87. B.C. when 80 000 Romans were killed. 300 Years after its construction it was converted to a fountain.
This monument was erected during the 1st century A.D. by Augustus in memory of Memmius, son of Caius and grandson of dictator Sulla following the victory over the Romans in 87. B.C. when 80 000 Romans were killed. 300 Years after its construction it was converted to a fountain.
2.12 Pollio Fontein 2.12 Pollio Fountain
Gebou in die 1ste eeu (waarskynlik 97 N.C.) deur ‘n ryk familie wat eer wou bring aan Sextillius ‘n Romein. Die Pollio fontein en ander fonteine in Efese het water uit die
Cayster rivier, Kencherios (Kusadasi) ontvang. Die fontein was oorkant die Dominitian Tempel.
Build in the 1st century (probably 97 A.D.) by a rich family who wanted to honour a Roman named Sextillius. The Pollio Fountain and the other fountains in Ephesus received their water from the Cayster River. This fountain was just opposite the Dominitian Temple.
2.13 Prytaneion 2.13 Prytaneion
Die Prytaneion was ‘n administratiewe gebou vir die stad se argiewe bestaande uit ‘n binnehof aan die voorkant en ‘n groot saal agter. Daar was ook ‘n eetkamer vir amptelike besoekers aan Efese
Hestia’s se flam wat altyd moes brand was in die middel van die binnehof en bewaak deur priesters van die godin Curettes
Die Curettes het eers net te doen gehad met die Tempel van
Artemis gedurende die Romeinse tydperk maar is verander na die Prytaneion met die troonbestyging van Keiser Augustus.
Net 2 van die oorspronklike 8 kolomme staan nog vandag.
The Prytaneion was an administrative building for the city's archives and consisted of an inner court in the front and a large hall at the back. There was also a lounge for official visitors to Ephesus. Hestia’s flame that had to burn constantly was in the middle of the inner court and cared for by the priests of the goddess Curettes.
The Curettes originally only dealt with the Temple of Artemis during the Roman period but was transferred to the Prytaneion with the ascension of the throne by Augustus. Only 2 of the original 8 columns are still standing today.
2.14 Staats Agora 2.14 State Agora
Die Staats Agora was hoofsaaklik gebruik as politieke sentrum waar regeringsake bespreek was. ‘n Groot aantal grafte uit die 6de-7de eeu V.C. ‘n steen pad en verskeie ander argaiese gesteentes is gedurende opgrawings aan die Noord-Ooste van die Agora ontdek.
Die Staats Agora was 160 meter lank en 73 m wyd.
The State Agora was mainly used as a political centre where government issues were discussed.
A large number of graves dating back to the 6th and 7th century B.C., a stone street and several other archaic rock formations were discovered to the North-East of the Agora during excavations.
A large number of graves dating back to the 6th and 7th century B.C., a stone street and several other archaic rock formations were discovered to the North-East of the Agora during excavations.
The State Agora was 160 meter long and en 73 m wide.
2.15 Varius Baddens 2.15 Varius Baths
Die Varius Baddens van Efese was van marmer gemaak bestaande uit 3 dele: die frigidarium met koue water, die tepidarium met warm water en
die caldarium met warm water. Daar was ook rus, sit en leeskamers - gebou in die 2de eeu N.C. ‘n 40m Mosaiek korridor uit die 5de eeu N.C. het behoue gebly.
The Varius Baths of Ephesus was made of marble and consisted of 3 sections: the frigidarium with cold water, the tepidarium with warm water and the caldarium with warm water. It also had resting, sitting and reading rooms. It was build in the 2nd century A.D. A 40m mosaic corridor from the 5th century A.D. is still visible today.
2.16 Tempel van Artemis 2.16 Tempel of Artemis
Die eerste skets is 'n voorstelling van hoe die tempel sou gelyk het terwyl die tweede die enkele kolom wat vandag nog daar staan, wys.
Die Tempel van Artemis is gebou op die ou perseel van die Tempel van Cybele. Die Artemis Tempel (ook bekend as die Tempel van Diana) was ingesluit as een van die Sewe Wonders
van die Wêreld. Dit was 115 m lank and
55 m wyd. Dit het 127 kolomme gehad met ‘n deursnee van 1.20 m en 19 m hoog.
Herostratus, het die temple in
356 VC afgebrand, die nag wat Alexander die Grote gebore is. Die Efesiërs het die tempel herbou.
Gedurende die Romeinse heerskappy het Nero die tempel beroof en later het die Gote dit vernietig.
Artemis van Efese was
beskou as
die Groot Moeder en haar standbeeld toon haar as ‘n vrou met baie borste – die moeder van lewe.
The first sketch is a visualisation of what the temple looked like whilst the second shows the only column still standing today.
The Temple of Artemis was build on the old premises of the Temple of Cybele. The Temple of Artemis (also known as the Temple of Diana) was included as one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient World. It was 115 m long and 55 m wide, consisted of 127 columns with a diameter of 1.2 m and 19 m high. Herostratus burned the temple in 356 B.C. on the night when Alexander the Great was born. The temple was rebuilt by the Ephesians.
During the Roman dynasty the temple was robbed by Nero and was later demolished by the Gothic invaders. Artemis of Ephesus was regarded as the Great Mother and her statue shows a woman with many breasts - the mother of life.
The first sketch is a visualisation of what the temple looked like whilst the second shows the only column still standing today.
The Temple of Artemis was build on the old premises of the Temple of Cybele. The Temple of Artemis (also known as the Temple of Diana) was included as one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient World. It was 115 m long and 55 m wide, consisted of 127 columns with a diameter of 1.2 m and 19 m high. Herostratus burned the temple in 356 B.C. on the night when Alexander the Great was born. The temple was rebuilt by the Ephesians.
During the Roman dynasty the temple was robbed by Nero and was later demolished by the Gothic invaders. Artemis of Ephesus was regarded as the Great Mother and her statue shows a woman with many breasts - the mother of life.
2.17 Nog 'n paar fotos van Efese 2.17 A few more photos of Ephesus
Ons besoek aan Efese was 'n ware belewenis en 'n besoek wat by enigeen aanbeveel word. Julle sal nie spyt wees nie.
Our visit to Ephesus was a real adventure and is a visit that we will recommend to anyone. You will not regret it!
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